Other Downloads
This post shall purely be for Pictures, Photobook and Storybook downloads and Midi Tones. Click the PIANO link above to access the Music Scores and Transcripts.
(Note: Content in this post is not guaranteed to be entirely complete. Its just what I've managed to compile from different resources. Something is better than nothing, I say..But if someone has something he/she would like to add to these compilations, do email me at dbsker@gmail.com)
I Never Let Go
Million Men
My Little Princess
Non Onjena
Thanks To
The Way U Are
Through The Forest
Whatever They Say
I Never Let Go
Million Men
My Little Princess
Non Onjena
Thanks To
The Way U Are
Through The Forest
Whatever They Say
Check out iPhone ringtones by hoshiko-malfoy (You may request mp3 ringtones from her if you'd like to):
DBSK JAPANESE iPhone Ringtones DBSK KOREAN iPhone Ringtones
If you have more to share, please email dbsker@gmail.com with a link :)
The 1st Photo Book - Travel Sketches in Los Angeles
- 7 Videos:
The 2nd Photo Book - Summer Paradise in Borabora
- 2 Screensavers
5 Wallpapers
4 Videos:
2nd Photobook Activity
Hi Ya Ya MV Sketch
Image Diary
2nd Photobook Activity
Hi Ya Ya MV Sketch
Image Diary
The 3rd Photo Book - The Prince in Prague
- 133 Pictures
1 Video (English Subbed)
The 1st Story Book - 'Hug'
- 2 Pictures
1 Screen Saver
4 Videos:
01 Intro
02 Jacket Sketch
03 Special Clip
04 Hug MV
02 Jacket Sketch
03 Special Clip
04 Hug MV
The 2nd Story Book - 'The Way U Are' *REUPLOADED*
- 35 Pictures
2 Wallpapers
1 Screensaver
10 Videos:
01 Intro
02 Jacket Sketch
03 Taiwan Promotion
04 Samsung "Yepp" & Surprise Party for Micky
05 F Concert with Cassiopeia
06 My Little Princess MV
07 My Little Princess (Acapella) MV
08 Hotmail MV
09 Drive MV
10 The Way U Are MV
02 Jacket Sketch
03 Taiwan Promotion
04 Samsung "Yepp" & Surprise Party for Micky
05 F Concert with Cassiopeia
06 My Little Princess MV
07 My Little Princess (Acapella) MV
08 Hotmail MV
09 Drive MV
10 The Way U Are MV
The 3rd Story Book - 'TVfXQ! Special Photo Essay in L.A'
- 4 Wallpapers
10 Videos
Miduhyo MV 1
Miduhyo MV 2
Whatever They Say MV
Album Jacket Sketch (Miduhyo)
Album Jacket Sketch (Tri-Angle)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (Hug)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (The Way U Are)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (I Believe In You)
Miduhyo MV 1
Miduhyo MV 2
Whatever They Say MV
Album Jacket Sketch (Miduhyo)
Album Jacket Sketch (Tri-Angle)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (Hug)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (The Way U Are)
Music Video Jacket Sketch (I Believe In You)
For other High Quality Picture Scans and Screencaps, visit my collab LJ community with Fearless_123, dbsk_gallery. We'll try to add more in due time...

You are the best. Thank you so much for your hard work. I have just come across your website yesterday and it have everything that I ever needed for DBSK. Thank you. Keep up the good work!!
ok... i probably won't ever be able to tell u how thankful i am. since i've heard Changmin singing "I love you" i was constatnly looking for it everywhere and only found some fake Changmin-like works.
so... THANK YOU. Thank you very much. you're really the best^^
luv ya ^*^
OMG thnx!! I've been looking for their music sheets everywhere!!! You are the best! Please Keep Posting!! Keep up the good work!!
TVXQ Hwaiting!!
woww thank you soo much! this has to be the best, most helpful website ever. thank you so much for your time in making it. :D
much love
I'm not sure ... I may ask too much. But I can't download in megaupload - - If you have time, please help me.
Dear Eldorendon,
what dload problems are you having in MU? is it the piano sheets? you can PM me and I'll send them to you.
haha would you like more music scores? i have some from dbsk i could send to you =D
ThanX so much!!
U Rock! *MwaH*
Thank you so much for uploading all these stuff. You are the best!!!
My God! My God! these give me goosebumps as i scroll down. Look at what U'v done...it completes me! *v* thank you. -Reef64 Now, can't dwnlOd at MU.
I read that you liked compliments, and, since you workd so hard, I think you deserve them.Wow!!! You really do a great job!! Thanks to you, we can find EVERYTHING about DBSK: amazing pictures, great videos, wonderful music... And it's all thanks to you. If only DBSK members could see your website I am sure they would be really impressed, as we all are. Thank you very much for bringing all this to us. ^,^ ^3^
Hi DBSKer Archives!!!
I'm also having a problem with Mega Upload. I can never download from that since I'm using a Mac Computer and I can't download the toolbar to download.
So... can you send me the files (the photobooks and storybooks...) to my email [kyandii @ yahoo . com]??
Thank you so much!!! This site has truly been one true haven for DBSK's fans. More power~!
wow, thanks so much for uploading all this DBSK stuff! your hard work is greatly appreciated by all of us (lol i sound like an old woman...)
thanks again!
You are my DBSK God.
Thank you for all your effort.
TVXQ Forever!
hey! i love the midi is so cute :D get more would ya :D?
Hello, thanks for creating this wonderful site!! Really appreciate all your hard work! Btw, is it ok to send me the piano score for 'yeo haeng gi' as I have a problem downloading it. My email is scsy_blue@yahoo.com.sg Thank you very much! hwating!
thanks so much for all these! ive been looking for dbsk scores and they're scattered like everywhere! i was so glad when i found this site cause its just WONDERFUL! so many songs and uploaded to a place easy for me to download (: thanks soooooo much! but could you reupload yeo haeng gi cause there's a problem with the link. thanks alot! (:
HELLO! thanks for the music sheets! i am so great that i found this place! yay!! =) THANKEW!
hi... is it possible to upload the left hand transcript of lovin' you too? sorry for the trouble! thanks in advance =)
To those requesting for left hand parts in the transcription,
I will not be able to fulfill such requests just yet as I am busy transcribing other DBSK songs. Therefore, I suggest 2 things:
1) Make an effort to find out how to read chord charts by emailing me
2) Wait till I have the time to fulfill your request.
Thank You.
Why do all 4shared link can't be use?? I downloaded 2nd Live Concert "O" so I have exceded the limit.. May I know about the link problem~
waheeey, now i can play (try to play) DBSK songs on my piano :D although im still a beginner, you have inspired me to work hard at the piano skill ^_^
don't download u.u
hi! i've downloaded some of your music scores but why is it there's only g-clef?
I want to thank you very much for the piano transcriptions. They are very fun to learn. This archive page is going onto my favorites page! Ah,but I have one little request if that's all right with you. Can you add the piano transcription for the Balloons song with both left and right hands?
OMG!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THE MUSIC SHEETS! but could you also make them with the left hand parts too? ^_^'
Thx alot :)
But izit thats all for ur music sheet ??
Bcos im looking forward for alot other tvxq songs..
*smiles*I'm so happy~!I've been looking everywhere for TVXQ music scores...And now I found some here!^_^
But...Can you make them with the left hand part too?It's okay if you don't though...
Thank you so much for the music sheets~!!!
TXVQ 파이팅(Fighting)~!!!
Thank you so much for all your efforts in uploading all these videos, songs, images, everything!!
You're amazing, and so is your site by the way ^__^
hank you so much for all this, it´s amazing!!! i know you from live journal, so i´m happy to fand you again ^^
i´ve been looking for the Bora Bora photobook, but i have problems for downloading , do you have an alternative downloading link? if you do send it to me to reikoarg@hotmail.com and i´ll love you forever, thank you!!
omg your site is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! it's awesome to have people like you to give DBSK fans what they need xDDD Just wondering...do you happen to have "O" in a midi ringtone? i can't seem to find a midi version of that D: thanks in advance!
the downloads are great.
i love dbsk.
i have a lot of their DVDs,
but their magazines i can't get, cuz i don't know where..
but i really want to thank you for the piano sheets.
they are truely beautiful.
i went on youtube, and lina is great!
she has so much talent.
i think it's great that she is doing this for the fans as well.
Whaaaaa ~ I love how Lina plays the piano! =D I wish I could do that too, so I could perform while singing AND playing the piano.. <33 Hehe ^^ Anyways, Lina Aja Aja Fighting!! =D
thank you for all your work!!
kamsahamnida! thanks for the piano transcripts and stuff. thankyou lina as well! been looking evrywhere for them. heheh. i came here before but never realise that i cld dld piano sheets!
btw, thanks for all the pics u uploaded, the boys are hawt as always =D and thanks for the lyrics! this is one of the best dbsk fansite ever =D
omg THANK YOU so much! been looking 4 the scores for ages!
woah! thank you sooo much
thank you so much for sharing all these!! thanks Lina for contributing so much!
hey! thanks for all the scores! do you have smtown let's go on a trip scores? i reli reli love that song! please....thanks!
omgomgomgomg!! Thanx sooooo much for the piano scores!!! (^0^)
Thank a lot for music sheet. I really luv u.
thank you so much:)
urm.. i think the (2nd storybook -the way you are)file has been expired due to inactivity
thanks a lot for all the music sheets!!!
keep up the good work!!
Thank You so much! For all the really cool pictures, and the screen savers are the best!
This Site ROCKS!!
Hello! Thanks for the DBSK/DBSG/TVfXQ/THSK stuff! Love it!
Right now, I'm learning how to play the Guitar and I'm wondering if you have any Music Sheets for the Guitar to play some DBSK! I want to learn how to play, enjoy, and annoy my friend who despises them. Thanks, again!
First of all, thank you so much for sharing your dbsk material with fans. I am enjoying your archive tremendously. ^^ I recently downloaded the storybooks for "Hug" and Los Angeles and am enjoying them very much, but when I tried to download the "The Way U Are" storybook, it didn't work. It said it was inactive. If you have the time could you please check on it or find out if it's my computer's problem? Thank you very much :)
i was looking for dbsk music sheets all day! and it was here all this time! i visit this site often, but somehow i never knew that there are music sheets. thank you soooo much for having this site. it made me become a bigger fan of dbsk 'cause of all these goodies at this website. THANKS for all the hard work and dedication that is put on to this site!!!!!
no words can describe how awesome you are. thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all this amazing stuff you have provided for us fans.
thanks for al your hardwork. its much appreciated.
whuts a miditone?
thank you so much I have been looking everywhere for these songs. You are my lifesavor ^_^
Hi!!!! How can I say it? Well, your hardwork is undescribable...
Thank you so much for all that you do.
Thank you for all of your hard work for the rest of us DBSK fans!!
really really appreciate it!
I don't know how I could thank you for this awesome website. I've looked everywhere for any DBSK stuff and I came across this site. The time and effort you must've put into this website must've been a tremendous amount. I truly thank you for your generosity.
I can't wait to listen to these songs.
Thanks so much!
woah.. im an even more recent fan than you hehe.. i became obsessed last year haha^ im really glad i found this site!! it has everything iv wanted so thanks!
+ thanks for all the work youve put into the site :)
wheeeeeey, amazing, really!
chongmal sarang hae!!!
love ya just for building up this shite ^^
Hi, I just want you to know, that as a DBSK fan too, your hard work of sharing and uploading is appreciated a lot <333
THANK YOU so much for taking your time uploading this for us.
Take Care ^^v <3//Bobbo
I wanna say a big "kamsahamnida" for all your hardwork on this site...
Thanks to you, we can find everything about TVXQ here...
Just wanna let you know that this site is super amazing!!! ;)
Keep up your good work...
Thank You~~~
OMG!!! OMG !!!
THANK YOU so much! *3*
You are the best ^^
Thank you soo much >.<
Thanks for your hardwork <3
Gracias ^^, Muchas gracias.
DVSK 4ever *.*
YAY!!! a Big THANK YOU!! to you of course!!
erm...do you have DBSK Hey!Girl Piano scores?? ahhh..if you don than it is okie..no biggie xDD
Superb work!!
Lucky for those who know how to read the music sheet/piano score W/Ever it called........
I wish I know how to play it.......
tq for ur media..btw,do u have a song from changmin's solo that called 'Just Once'.i forgot where i heard that song before but i'm sure it mention that song sang by him..
The piano sheets made me want to play the piano ^^, Unfortunately I only know the basics. Thanks for all the stuff here! ^^,
Hi, love all dbsk songs and mv but can't download Megaupload in my country. Could you send me the Miduhyo MV? mail to me at jas118sd at gmail dot com.
Thanks so much.
REALLI! I THINK DBSKARCHIVES IT THE BEST DBSK SITE>>ALTHO THE DOWNLOADS R ALL ILLEGAL :( But everyone downloads illegally these days~(if everyone dl from here then the real albums wont be sold) WE MUST SUPPORT DBSK BY BUYING THEIR ALBUMS & other... :]
It must have taken you a very long time to put everything on DBSK here. I thank you soo much for that and im sure many other ppl. too. I'll spread the word of dbskarchives to my friends!! <33 ya and keep up with the great work!
Hi!! And thanks for all the posts. I've been able to find almost everything here!! Must be hard work compiling them all...
DBSKarchives is the best!!
Hi! thanks so much for the piano scores.I was looking for it everywhere but couldn't find. until I came upon this AWESOME blog of yours.
Oh my Gosh!!!!
u're really superb gurl!!
I'm really 'jealous' of u!!
But, u've really done a greaaaaaaaaaaattt job!!
I've juz downloaded some stuff from u.. thanx!!!
Ur hardwork made me impressed!
Dis is da true L.O.V.E of DBSK-er!!
Feel like hugging n kissing u LOL!
Coz i've been waiting 4 DBSK stuff, not only stuff but NEWEST MARVELLOUS STUFF i never had 2 b downloaded!!
Now u fulfill it, thousand of love n thanx!!
Gudluck gurl! U go!! dada..
Oh it's fabulous I praise for your hardwork and efforts you put into
it's great also thank you for your lovely and wonderful piano scores
support you!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi! i totally love your site!
i'm sorry, but i can't download from megaupload, can you upload the photobook and storybook to other site?
i totally love you guys for uploading these for us..
it helps so much
but for the 1st photobook, did you not put the videos and files as one in a ZIP file or did you do it on purpose for some reason?
please give me an answer..
thank you sooooooo muchhh <3
Thank you soooooooooo much
you guys are seriously God's Gift
words cannot express how thankful I am
I greatly appreciate your hard work and kindness to sharing these downloads. Everything I couldn't find is here. It's very organised.
You are awesome! I love this site! It has all I ever wanted and needed. No other site is like this! You have like all of their piano sheets. Keep up the great work!
I absolutely LOVE this website~
Thanx so much for uploading all this Fabulous DBSK stuff for others<333
oh, and one thing,
does anyone happen to know the name of the song used in the first photobook - City of Angels??
thank you for all these link! but the one for Let's Play on the 1st photobook isn't working.
(: Thank you so incredibly much for uploading all of these things. I can only imagine how long it would have taken. @__@
So again, I thank you for all that you've done. ^_^ I really appreciate it!!
what a massive blog!
thanks so much for sharing all the stuff of our loved ones!
keep going...keep loving TVXQ
best wishes
i just discovered your site and i can't stay away from it already. thank you! =)
Love this website! Incredible!
OMG this must be Heaven >w<
thank you so much for this~
Your website is amazing
Really. I'm happy with this
Hi, the link to both the 2009 calendar is the same. they are both the lotte calendar....if its not too much trouble, can you upload the bigeast calendar? please.....thanks very much.
by the way, this is a really great site
So I downloaded the Arena37c 2007 September Issue and couldn't help but squeal when I saw alice nine and the GazettE on there with them. XD
Much love for the links! ^^
can you please re-upload 'Happy Sunday Immortal Music Classics - part [005]'?
can't download at megaupload
Thans for ur effort to uploading this stuff.....i really2 love them....
Wow you guys are really amazing!
I got to see the young DBSK, and the new DBSK, wow they grew up so fast!
you guys are doing a great job running the site keep it up!
I finally got to download the acappella version too~
so happy!
thanks a lot again
thanks for the links! i took the wall calendar!
WOW! i mean WOW! this is like DBSK heaven! oh gosh! EVERYTHING is here! even piano scores!!! oh man!!! thank you so much!!!!! You don't know how happy this fangirl is right now:D:D thank you everyone who made such a wonderful and lovely site!!!!! your efforts are MUCH appreciated!!!:D:D:D thank you!!! dbsk always:D:D
please; 'doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou', 'purple line' and '"O" Sei.Han.Gou'
*nosebleeding* almost in tears seeing most of changmin's pics (cause i m so happy) u made my day. THANKS!!
You guys are the best!
I was in panic when I could barely find anything of DBSK in the stores, and as a student most of them I could barely afford.
these downloads gave me a glimpse of what a powerhouse they are and I think this will be a lifelong obsession.
Thank you!
Thank you!!! I am from Spain and it's difficult to find music and information about TVXQ/DBSK. Thanks a lot!!!
do you guys have Bonjour Paris Photobook ?
OK. so like I bet you get this all the time but you are officially the greatest person in the world like this website is incredible. It's so INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!! there just aren't any words to describe how FREAKING GREAT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!! :D THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!
love this site.. the best..
i can download ><
thank you very much
i love you ~~~
muahh ~
Yeah, you really are the best! And a lot for all of your hard works =) I love you and your site more and more :X
to tell you honestly...
I can spend a day in front of the computer...
always at your site!!!!
starting from tomorrow...
I'll download all these stuffs...we are really fortunate to have you!!! you're really a blessing!!!I know how hard it is uploading those stuffs and then put the links here...
YOU DESERVE THE "THANK YOUs" that people had posted here...
thank you for all these things...
there are no words to put in how lucky we are and how thankful we are...
this site is well-organized...
thank you soo mucccchhhh!!!
starting from tomorrow I'll spend almost a day downloading these stuffs in your site!!!
I'll really tell my friends about this site!!!
thank you!!!!!!!!
anyway...what happened to THE WAY U ARE??
I downloaded it and tried to extract it...
but it says:
can you please tell me what's happening???or I am just the only one who's encountering the problem??
I'll wait for your reply!!!!
You have no idea how much i love this site!!
Im so freakin glad there's someone that uploaded all this stuff^^.
This site is probably one of my most visited haha. x]]
once again, thank you so much for your fantastic work.
next month i will go to Thailand for join in our Gods' concert, after that i will absolutely bankrupt, but watching awesome files downloaded from ur site still motivate me ^^
I Love this site really.
can upload these files on mediafire?
Hi, you officially are my hero :)
Is it possible for u to create piano midi of bolero, mirotic, love in the ice and so on? Thanks!
I was wondering for the photobook, The 1st Photo Book - Travel Sketches in Los Angeles if i could get the song from Jaejoong's, Yoochun's, and Junsu's image diary?
You can send the names of the songs to my email!
My email is sunnielor@yahoo.com.
gosh, i can't say how thankful i am to you guys for making this site! i'm a recent dbsk fan and if it weren't for you, i wouldn't have been this deep into dbsk! thanks again! *hugs to everyone*
Thank you for your sharings.
I like everythings that you share
Thank you again and again
all those uploads from my SEXY DBSK!
thx soooooooooo freakin much!~
luv ya!~
chonmal kamsa hamnida for all those HAAAWT uploads!
keep up da wonderful work dear! *very very ULTRA tiiight hug*
Thank you so much for sharing all about dbsk
i really can't thank you enough for this
omg thank you for everything you share.
it very very good.
you are the one.
thank you.
i need help!!!!cont dlod the zip things~~:((
Thank you so much!
All you work is greatly appreceated!
But I have one request, could you please recover the TriAngle and HUG MIDI ringtones?
I was really looking forward to downloading them, but they were not lsted on the list. ):
HEY,,I found many videos in 4shared.com.... if u dont mind please share it here too...
btw,thanks for everythings u share..
thats very value for me...=)
Thank you so much
you can't imagine that how i feel when i can find your web and can download all things about DBSK, my angel
I like the way that you arrange all things with a clearly list, it makes me can find anything easy.
Thanks again!
J said ...
i couldnt download the image diary of max & micky and stage in la of 1st photo book
it said "TVXQ 1st Photo Book - Image Diary Max(2).mpg.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read."
may i know how can i download it ?
thanks a lot
its me again
i couldnt download the 1st storybook hug also ..
sorry for the inconvenience and thank you so much for the download links
You. Are. Awesome!!!! x3 thank you so much!
u r pretty amazing ! thanks for share
I just stumbled onto this site and I am really amazed at the completeness of the clips, videos, everything. I can imagine the hours of hard work put in and for that I am really grateful. Even though I can only download a maximum of 2 per day from megaupload, I am not complaining coz I can still get what I want, with patience. Thank you so much.
You guys rocks.. I hope you update more and reupload some died link. :)
Thanks!!! I don't know what I was going to do without this awesome site!!! You're GREAT!!! Keep going =] ^^
waaaaaaw this is the best blog that I have evrer seen they should turn it into site
T.T im late. im wondering if there is anyone still here? if there is may i noe if u guys are gonna reupload onto a new website?
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