Downloads Directory

Songs, Albums, Singles, Instrumentals, Rips + Remixes, Radio Shows

Music/Promotional Videos

Performances, TV Appearances, Variety Shows, Radio Appearances, Fanmade Clips

Piano/Music Transcripts, Piano Versions

Picture downloads, Photobook and Storybook downloads, MIDI Ringtone downloads.
Comments are LOVE!! I never tire of reading your thank you messages. It gives me strength. ^_^
1 – 200 of 633 Newer› Newest»Your site is HOT!!!!! I love it! I'm been on this internet wide search for DBSK translations and mp3's and I found it all here! That's totally awesome!! ^^
I do have one problem though: I can't find Try My Love here either. If you get that you'll be the ultimate source and I'll love you for life
Haha... Was just in the process of uploading their Japanese singles. Anyway, I've upped it. Do enjoy!
This is a huge DBSK collection! =D Thank you very much for everything!! XD I can't stop listening to their songs.. I hope I can get their DVDs soon.. x)
Thank you Thank you ^-^
[Spread the DBSK Love! x3]
Hi . *^^ Sorry . Can I ask you something ? How come I can't dl the videos uploaded on filefront ? I only end up seeing .
omG ! ~ Thank you so so so much !!!
DBSER is back!! XDD Thank you for these HQ PVs!! XDD Thank you so much for these eng-subbed interviews/performances!! ^__^
Your site is so......... I can't find
the words to say that but.... Thank you !!
Hey, i just wanted to say, you rule, you have an awsome site, thx for uploading everything
Thanks so much, I found your link thru lj!
I just have to say thank you SO much for all of these songs! Awsome website, and awsome collection!!
hello!! your site is...SUPER DE LOR!! you rock man!!!
anyway, the unforgettable girl banjun drama cannot download de ar? :)
Hey, Your site totally rocks!! Thanxs for all the effort put into the site, I live in the middle of no where and can't access DBSK CD'S. Thanxs for making their music available to me!! Great job with the web site!!!
great collection, thanks so very much for sharing! ^^
hi thx for all ur stuff but for the japanese singles, the asu wa kuru kara accapella ver. wasn't i couldn't download it..could u re- upload it? ty soo much!!
Oops. That was my mistake. There isn't an acappella version for Asu Wa Kuru Kara. Only a vocal + piano version. I've rectified the error. Sorry.. hehe..
As for the Banjun Drama Unforgettable Girl, I'm still in the process of uploading it. Only the links in Maroon/Pink are downloadable.
To everyone else, thanks for the support and encouraging words. Shall be uploading more soon.
Hi. Thanks for uploading all this .. - ehm . I can't download O.Sei.Han.Gou . Can't you reupload it ? :(
O Sei Han Guo MV has been re-upped.
Hye there..i admit ur page is awesome..thanx for sharing the clips..em, but can u upload the clips that use megaupload at file front becos it is much faster..huhuhu..
hei..everything in your blog is simply great..u put in lotsa effort..i think this is the best DBSK blog that i've ever come across..realli..keep up the good work..
DBSK rocks to the core!!!
...a million thanks to you. ur site is just great! i wish u well..aja! we love dbsk!...
Millions millions millions thanks to you for what you are doing >_<. I had searched too much 4rums 'n website to get the link to download DBSG's song, and then I found this site :x Such a huge 'n lovely collection :x
But I can't find the single The Way U Are here. Could you please upload it? Thank you very much for advance :x
You're most welcome.
This is the tracklisting for The Way You Are Single
1. The Way U Are
2. Whatever They Say
3. 옹달샘 이야기 1 (Mountain Spring Story 1)
4. 옹달샘 (Mountain Spring)
5. 옹달샘 이야기 2 (Mountain Spring Story 2)
6. Whatever They Say (Instrumental)
If you refer above, the songs have already been uploaded into separate folders as follows:
1 - Tri-Angle Album
2, 3, 4, 5, - Korean Singles Tracks
6 - Instrumental
Please download the tracks individually from there. Happy downloading!
Your site is so posh.
Thank you so much for sharing.
hi!ur site is totally amazing!!kansamnida 4 sharing the dbsk stuffs!let's spread the dbsk love around...
hi I'm thai fan
thank for sharing all music
first of all.... I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!! hahaha... indeed i'm very happy now.. i'm sure it took a lottttttttt of ur time posting all these up.. REALLY THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART...
but i'm having problems downloading the files you've uploaded on megaupload... does it require any conditions of features in other to download them??? confused.. confused... =/
but then again.. REALLY THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Most welcomed and thanks loads for your feedback and word of thanks.
Ping: What exactly is the problem? Do you get a message that says "All download slots assigned..." or "Download limit has expired"? If its the former, then you probably need to download the Megaupload Toolbar. If its the latter, then you'll just have to wait awhile before downloading again.
Email me at if this does not solve the problem. Will try to help if I can.
dbsker :: sorry for the inconvenience.. i did download the toolbar but it keeps saying it's corrupted and filled with virus or something so i re-download it again and again...
man it's gonna take me forever cuz the connection here is sooooooooo bad... =( i'll try to find another place with better connection and see what happens next... but still thanx for the offer.. keep up the FABOLOUS work!!! *Peace*
So sorry to hear that. There's is another alternative. There's a program called MegaShareLink 5.0. Maybe you could try that. I saw a tutorial for that in DBSK Exclusive Forums.
i simply lurve this a new tvxq fanz like me reali enjoy reading post and downloading songs through here....a reali great website....
gambateh to all tvxq fanz~
plz help...i try to download hiyaya but failed...when i click on the link Summer Single + SMTown Summer/Winter Tracks (feat. DBSK Only)SM Town - Hot Mail (여름편지)...a new website pop up with words and letters that cannot be read....
sorry for the trouble...
Yeah..even the main page of 4shared can't be accessed at the moment. Maybe their site is down. Give it a day or two see if it goes back to normal. (I really hope it does..) If it doesn't then I'll up them somewhere else.
oic..thx anyway....erm..i wil go back to the website tomoro..if stil not able to access, would you mind me sending a email to you to notify you so that you can upload them in another place instead....paiseh o...but i reali appriciate ur help...
hey your site really good..its got everything...buh i was wondering..see how you have channel-a basketball..i was wondering if you could upload the soccer and the other sporting oness..thxthx
I'm waiting for the subbed ones to be out before uploading them for you all. So be patient okay?
Evelynn, the links are working again. So happy downloading. Just email me if there's any other problems.
Thank you. I've been looking for the Miduhyo perf for a long long time. Pity it's an LQ though. Still, thanks!
This is an amazing post, thanks so much! I was wondering, though, if you had and might be able to upload the subbed making of clips from Starwatch 24?
MNet Starwatch Making Episodes were not subbed except in Chinese I think. Sorry can't help u there.
hai. are the solo perfs in 2nd concert from fancam or it's in good quality..? thnk you hop u can reply my question.. ^o^
The solos I posted of the 2nd Asia Tour Concert are audio rips from fancams. Meaning its just the low quality live versions of the songs. Not the performances. I only have the fancam performance of Junsu's My Page. HQ ones aren't released yet.
heys i was wondering if yuu have history in japan vol. 2 tohoshinki? cuz i dled the whole thing..not subbed>< and also the ngs and all the birthdays of the bands were cut..sighs.
hai. i cant find the "first love" series of banjun drama where micky and yunho like d same u have it? if yes,maybe u culd help me..thankss
About ur requests, I'll try my best to fulfill them. But I dont guarantee I can cos I really dont have the time. I upload files that suit my timing only. Will try to upload first love asap. But as for the History in Japan Volume 2, I can direct you to a livejournal that has the DVD ripped file. I doubt it is subbed though. Do email me and I will send u the link.
hi DBSKer..y i cant see the download link for THROUGH THE FOREST which is under the summer single title??is it something wit my comp or da website?i juz cant see the link for da song..plz help me thanx..
Yup, you're right. Its missing. But its up now. So do go download. ^_^
OMG! Ur site is soooo kool =D
I've been looking for the MLP making everywhere ^^
Thanks so much for uploading and sharing, especially for the english subbed files ^^
Keep up the good work! HWAITING!!
Star King with eng sub uploaded! yayy (: thanks so much. i love ur site!
heY yOUr sITE iS aWESoME....i hAVEa qUEsTION..wHAT iS THe dIFFeRENCE iN hARD sUBS And sOFt suBS?
hai !! how can i play the softsubs of starking show? can u help me? what's tat?
I've just posted on the softsubs and hardsubs in the RULES + FAQ. Hope you can check it out there. Here's the link.
I hope it helps.
OMG - I've been looking all over the net for these - this list is FANTASTIC! I just wanted to say thank you for feeding my DBSQ addiction. You guys are all so wonderful!
(And btw, your layout's really nice too. Good job!)
thank u so much for all the dl links!
um...there's some problem here :(...
i can't seem to download the rising sun (korean) MV.. i downloaded the "megauploader" thingy and when i started downloading the MV...well, something popped out.. an error. it said that there was an internal error in the system... help <:(
- love you'r site! XD tnx for uploading everything here XD. now i don't need to search that much anymore! XD thanks to ya! XD.
-help.. i really wanna download the MV of rising sun (korean)
-oh.. sorry if i ask and say too much. but do you have DBSK's vacation? ^__^
You hard. *_________*
Thank You!
help ! :(
all the things in megaupload, like some of the MV's, i can't seem to download.. why is that? there's always something wrong.. it doesn't even start. [the downloading :( ] help..well even so, i still love you're site, i visit it everyday. but if only the megaupload thingy would work, it would be much better :P..
hope you'llb e able to read this.. ^__^
--loves your site--
Hmm.. I'm not sure what the problem is either. Is it only some of the links or all megaupload links? If its just some I can try to reupload them. I'll re-up the Rising Sun (Korean). Just give me some time yeah? I do have Vacation. Just haven't had time to upload. It will be up eventually.
Can you put the two solos of Yoochun and Changmin onto mediafire?'cause it isn't working on filefront at my pc so far...Oo
to DBSKer.. well so far, all the megauploads that i download have problems... the "golden fish "...
Hmm.. I've tested the Golden Fish link. It works fine for me. Why don't u email me at and I'll try my best to help you out. Don't wanna flood the comments here. Okay?
Rising Sun (Korean) MV and Changmin & Yoochun's solos has been re-upped.
yah! i have the same prob as Anonymous. heh there are many megaupload files tht i cant dl ): isit possible to upload onto filefront or sendfile? (:
jus a suggestion lah. and i really love ur site!
070423 Starking is it the same with the Jiwhaza game?? cause i confuse,,
Oh wow... this site is my new best friend ~<3
Thanks so much for the DLs! I liked DBSK/THSK's music, but never looked into them. Now I'm a fan and I love their stuff! Thanks! =D
Thank for everythink of your link, but,
why everylink of / can't use?
Jeroy, Thailand
I don't mind uploading them on other hosts. But filefron very often deletes files bigger than 50MB and sendspace files expire pretty soon. If you're having trouble with megaupload links. Please use the toolbar.
Star King & Jihwaza are different. Star King is a talent show & DBSK were guest hosts. Jihwaza is a gameshow.
Huge resorce of DongBangShinKi files. ^ ^
*added this page to fav. rapidly*
Your DBSK archive is just WOW! I am glad that I was pointed to here.
And thanks a lot for sharing all these. ^^
Arigatou Gozaimashita for all the dbsk perks!!!! Im loving it!!!! ^^
oh thank you so much!!!
but i only see Jihwaza part 1 and 3. may I have problem with it ? 'Cause I'm just a anonymous your site is simply AMAZING! it's so cool to see someone is spreading the DBSK love, DBSK <3 forever!
Finally commenting hahaha!!!!! <3333 Been here for a while <333!!!!
HELLO!!! I am Solo's Cry from LiveJournal.
OMG. This place is HEAVEN. Seriously. It is. I come here everyday @_@. And I make other people come here too HAHAHA <333!!!
Okay. So what made me leave a comment was...
Er... when will the 2nd Part of the Jiwahza be available for download @_@? GAH!!! I have downloaded both part one and part three already hahaha!!! But can't do anything with part 2 @_@ ::grovels:: I beg you <333 Please put it up soooooon , ne?
::showers with tons of kisses:: <333!!!!!!!
ive been lookin everywhere but i couldn't find eng translations for like now from the rising sun concert.. could you please translate for me thx!!
*waves at Solo's Cry* LOL..
Jihwaza 002 is up! Haha..sorry for the delay. I didnt even realise that I missed putting that one up. Hehe.. Been so busy.. Thanks for leaving a comment! (Psst.. Maybe I should leave files out now and then to prompt ur comments more. Haha.. JK..) HAPPY WATCHING! ^_^
About Like Now's translation, its under Tri-Angle on the right hand bar. Otherwise known as Jigumchorom. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for this, I've been searching for Japanese version of rising sun everywhere ^^
HAHAHAHA!!!! Solo's Cry Again!!!! ::huggles you:: GAH!!! <3333 ^_^ I was wondering why a link in the middle would be missing HAHAHA!!! I was like "No way... that's a cruel joke HAHAHAHA!!!" I LOOOOOOBU YOU!!!!! <3333 ^_^!!!!!!
If you like comments, I shall leave them everytime I steal something HAHAHAHA!!!! <3333!!!! I stole the second part of Jiwhaza today hahaha!!! <333 MUAH!!! ^_^!
Hello! I love your site and check it regularly. I was wondering, I am looking for this song called Kko Ma Ya (Little Child) which is one of their older songs. I just couldn't seem to locate it at all. Are you able to help me? Thanks!
The song is titled Hey, Kid under Tri-Angle Album.
Solo's Cry:
HAHAHA!! Innocent mistake turned cruel joke eh??? Yay! Another comment from you. Of course I like them! As Fearless puts it, "Comments are love.." ^_^
heys;; you know a whole new world...i was wodnering if you can put up the lyrics...english ofc haha since there singing english...cuz like...i can seem to differ their voices ><
Thank you soooooo much for uploading all of these!! :D Clubbox won't work on my uni's network so this is a godsend! Just one thing, for Xman #69 Episode 152 the MU link for the 3rd part is the same as the 2nd - would you be able to upload the 3rd? (*.*) <3 Thank you!!
Thanks a lot for sharing!!! your blog is AWESOME. Please, just a doubt I downloaded 070421 SBS Jihwaza (Eng Subbed), but I can see the subs, there are softsubtitles in english? Thank you!!!
*___* I love you long time~ -hoards over the English subbed Jihwaza-
Jihwaza episode was not fully subbed. Just bits and pieces unfortunately as the translator didn't translate the entire show. So if you're watching the beginning and don't see the subs. Be patient. Some subs will pop up later.. usually when DBSK makes their appearance.
First of all, your site is...argh I have no words to describe it but you guys are pure geniuses!!!WOW!
My request is I really really want to download Junsu's prank (part 1 & 2), Mnet Starwatch ( part 1 & 2) and finally either the video or performance of Miduyho. (sorry if I'm being greedy!)
Please could you upload them on filefront as I cannot download anything on megaupload!
Thanks a million in advance!!
If you cannot then I still love your site just as much!!
Your site is hot! Thanks
Thanks for that, I really love your site!
OMG ur site is the BEST!!! It's my DBSK HEAVEN!!!
I'm just wondering if you know what happened to the Korean version of the song "One" - its supposed to be under the Rising Sun Album - but when i click on the link i cant seem to find the song.
Oh and thanks for uploading all these awesome files ---
aaaaaaaaws..!! thats awsome..!! *O*.. thanks so much..!! i love you guys forever..!! *O* aaws..!!! *_______*.. **shocked**
*O*.. kizzez..!!and TC !! *O*
my name is "Love" and i have a Question 4 NE 1 that can help me solve it..... i was watching a TVXQ dvd rip...the title of it says tvxq 1st story book_city of involves them walking about the streets of LA. stopping at this place where the boys hold a big snake..& the make a stop at the Walk of Fame where all the famous ppl names are in stars in the ground...NEway during the City of angels movie there is a song playing N the background.. its very fun and up beat..there is a few english phrases like " Ohhh Wonder" i think that is what they are saying.. and Max Sings " Baby just come together now yeah yeah..." then they all say it was a group later in the song " just go together now!".... what is that song called and is it located on this site? and if not can someone direct me to the proper link to DL or if you want email it to me.. I'd appreicate it....
hi...i LOVE ur site so very much..i'm just wondering, where's the chapter 1 for the vacation drama? thanx...
i'm juzt..cant dL from MU..i dunno why..i want to dL ur juzt cant!!
*i'm juz so mad!!*
many many many thanks to you ..>O<..
i found everythings in your site haha
thank you again far that!!
"Love" - I think the song your looking for is Through The Forest. Its here -
If I didn't reply anyone else... Sorry.. I might've missed.. However I did say that the DOWNLOAD post isnt for requests and queries. If you have any problems, either consult the FAQ post or email me. Don't flood the download post with your questions unless there are links that have expired or you wanna THANK me for my effort.
That's all. Pretty simple I think. Thank you.
Love here =( , sorry about that.. i should have read your instructions more carefully ,however thanks for the link. great job on the site =)
I see that you have Junsu's part from Mission Impossible, do you happen to have Mission Impossible for the rest of the members?
your site is great!!
Nope.. I don't have Mission Impossible for the others. If not I would've uploaded them. Will try to find them though. When I do, they'd be up for download.
I think someone asked about Chapt. 1 Vacation earlier. Forgot to answer. I don't have that either. But the full version links are up. So you could download that instead.
Yunjae_forev said
I worship you.. OMG>>>> this website is the most awesome !!!
YOu guys are blessed!!!! make us so happy..!
it's me! so happy to see YUNHO'S spokesperson audio! wee!
saranghae lynn!
im gonna do a name game on ur name~
lynn,lynn bo bynn, banana fana bo bynn, fee fy mo mynn, lynn!
now i can listen to his own composed song everyday! heheheh
hai lynn!! u know.. im trying to download the 'LOVIN YOU' from both from radio and the concets rips.. bt the links isn't working anymore on at mediafire. culd u give me another address to download them? coz both of them aren't available now. tks!! love ur site.
hey do you have the song 'footsteps' by jaejoong >< ?
Links for Lovin' You have been re-upped. Footsteps can be found in the 1st Live Concert Album CD2.
Hey i wanna ask if you can re-up a file "I love show tank-psychology test(drawing)" on filefront/turboupload cos my compter can't d/l from mega..really sorry if any trouble is caused..and i really like ur site.Thanks!!
I <3 you ^___^ Thank you for uploading all this stuff! <3
This site is so much love for dbsk fans. Thank you!
Wow, such a great site! I can find lots of useful infos here. You did a great job creating such an awesome website. *bookmarking this site for future ref.*
thank you soooo much! this site is awesome! this is where i get ALL my DBSK stuff =] hehehehe... thanks so much again!
Gosh! U have a huge collection of DBSK. U must be a big big DBSKier. How could u manage to collect all that??? Thanks a lot.
omgoshh!! This site is awesome!! thank you soo much!!
Konnichi wa!
At first i have to say that i love your site very much! I get the most of the stuff from your site... But I have a question, I'm searching for New X-Man episodes with Jaejoong, Junsu or Changmin in it. Maybe you can help me?
PS: THX for uploading all these files!!
Arigatou gozaimasu! ^^
thank u for all ur hard work!!!
I happen to find your site and I think it's the best! Thank you for sharing all your downloads! You have everything! I hope you don't mind me downloading from you! I'm a new fan of DBSK! Thanks again!
omg...thx a lot..u r the BEST!!jjang!!
Have just found ur site. It's so perfect!!! Tons of vid and aud here ! Wonderful ya ^^
Thank you so so much!
Wow.. it's amazing how you complied everything here and make everything downloadable (is that a word? I believe not). this blog is MARVELOUS!! I really appreciate it that they all lots of videos with english subs. Keep it up ^_^
Your site is amazing. Thank you!
Ive downloaded dangerous love. But the sound isnt working. Is it just my comp?
hope you'll get to read this today. i wrote something for micky coz tomorrow's his birthday. do you know where i could send it? thanks much.
hi, thank you for all those uploads. I got one question. I downloaded "New House Tour (All About DBSK DVD) part 1" from filefront of the DVD special and when I tried to watch it, I only succeeded in watching the first 59 secs of it(the video's supposed to be 15 mins something)& then I can't watch it at all. Can't you re-up another good version of the part 1?????
Wow Dbsker thank you so very much!! You've got everything on DBSK under the sun! Thanks again and keep up the good work! =oD
heys,,im requesting for the dbsk new house tour (not the hamtaro. the one from all about dbsk special) with NO SUB ne~ my english not that excel but i understand korea.
hope it is easy to find ne! thanks yous
Hii!!!I luv ur site!!!Do u hav Xiah's All Rise ft.Eunhyuk in da 1st tour concert??
Filefront link for New House Tour Part 1 has been re-upped & replaced. ^_^
I don't have New House Tour without subs. Just the english subbed one already uploaded under the "DVD SPECIALS" category above.
For Xiah's All Rise. I have the audio uploaded under the 1st Concert Album above. If you're referring to the video, I'll upload the full concert in the near future once I get my file splitted.
hai~~~ im asking u abt the yakusoku bossa nova ver. is it still in radio ripped? bcoz last time i heard jaejoong voice at the end. thanks!
Hmm.. Yeah you're right. I didn't listen to it. Its still the radio rip. Wait till Lovin' You single is released then.. I've moved the file to the other link already since its unofficial. Thanks for informing ^_^
thank you soo much for compiling all these DBSK goodies in her.
i seriously love ur site.
and thanks for sharing them.
will credit when using :)
OMGOSHH!! I love your site!! i accidentally found it when i was looking for translation lyrics to rising sun ^^ whee~ i love everything. oh and. for the instrumental folder, do you have rising sun PIANO version? i saw it in the piano folder but it isnt in one of the download links =/ if you have it, can you post it up? lol. thanks alot!!!!! i lovee youuu<333
hello!! thanks for everything<333 iz theerr by any chaance you have the "Rising Sun" perf in Thailand? you know the one where Yunho had the Lion hair, and Changmin had to scream his parts on this high thingy above the fans? I really like that perf but i cant find it any where T^T
Rising Sun Piano version has been uploaded.
Sorry.. I don't have that Thailand Rising Sun performance you want.
thanks alot! your the best!<3
Thank you sooooooooo much for your time spend uploading all this!!!! I love this site to bits.
a lot of videossssss..
thanks for sharing!!!
btw.. i know you are busy
but can you like change some big/small size videos like onryu or perf to other file sharing other than megaupload because i`m having a hard time to download all your videos =P maybe filefront can
sorry for the comment if u find it harsh??
I've just downloaded the Lovin' You package, but there seems to be a problem. It downloads fine, but winzip keeps encountering a problem when I try and open it. It you could have a look at what might be causing the problem it would be great thanks! :)
wow cool you have so many things here
i love the song "Xiah Junsu - Shin Bu Eh Geh" anyone know who sing it and what's the full name? can't seem to find it anywhere
Thank you for your uploading.
I've visited your webpage for several time, but I never post a comment for your webpage, and this is a first time for me.
I think your webpage is so amazing.
There're many clip and music of TVXQ for downloading. I love TVXQ very very much. They're so cool!
Thank you, and Thank you so much
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
So much!
You totally ROCK!
I love the songs, pictures, posts, etc.
I've checked the Lovin' You zip. A friend of mine just downloaded it. She says its working fine. If you still have problems maybe you could download the songs individually from Japanese Singles and Instrumental? I've marked the tracks NEW!! in Red.
I've no idea who sang Shin Bu Eh Geh. Sorry can't help.
I really cant do any alternative filehost uploads at the moment. Sorry..
i finally found my gosenshi!!
thanks for uploading these!!!
you're AWESOME!!
thanks ! but after i download them how do i put it on my ipod ?
firstly i say this is a huge blog of tvxq fan. i almost can find anything i looked for here~ THNKS!
but.. i wonder,, what player do u use for playing softsubs wit the raw video? i find my player culdnt do it as u told in FAQ. thnks.
hello, thanks for posting this.. but there are some tvfxqforever subbed that you reuploaded. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU CREDIT TVFXQFOREVER FORUM since its their own copy. Im a moderator of that forum and I dont want to cause this a problem in the future. Hope u understand. Thanks so much.
Hello.. credits to TVFXQForever can be found at the credits post. I usually dont take out any tags when uploading. And I stress at the beginning of this post that credits must be referred to and thanked. I might have renamed some or left out some in the credits post. But really, there's too many files here & there's a possibility I may have overlooked some. So if you'd like to point out which file is missing its credits, I will gladly add them. This list is already way too long, so credits have to go to another post.
Oh.. about moving your file to your ipod, I don't have an ipod so I really dunno. Maybe you should ask those tech discussion threads at any of the forums and someone might be able to help you.
I use Media Player Classic in Storm Codec. You could try downloading the codec from the link I've provided in the post above.
Hey...OMG you are soo cool youve got everything hahaha......
i was wondering the TNC peace 7 show doesnt have the link ???
hahahaah can you put the link on ??
thanks for uploading the Lovin You DVD offshot wit the substitle. it's so funny.. i watch it over and over again. thanks so much lynn,, *big hugs*
thank so much for everything. I have one request, do you post DVD rip? I'm curious, cause i wondering if you have All about TVXQ dvd.
I have the DVD but I don't do rips because I don't have a DVD-ROM. I watch them on my DVD player. Sorry..
hi thanks for all the videos<3 im wondering, what programs do you need to play or join GOES files? casz i downloaded jiwhaza epi. 2 and i cant play the second part since its the continuance of the first part. and i dont know what to join it with. plus sometimes, i cant play GOE files on my computer >_<"
Use the same programs as I've explained in detailed above and in the Rules + FAQ Post. suprise and excited here,u have huge amount of DBSK stuffs..*greedy laugh*..u bring new world to me after we met in LJ..i just register and have my own blog today but im quite blury cause im not familiar with blogger..thanks for all in vain(mp3), i just finished dl gonna dl much more stuffs here amd TQ in advance^^
Gomenasai lynn..i think i send twice familiar msg look like a fool>_<..i didn't realize that i need ur approval before my msg can be display..i thought there r something wrong with my first msg..this is the proof that im newbie here..i still in learning process,hopefully i can understand the blog more in the future..
This blog is great..
but I really cant dl from MEGAUPLOAD
Could you please upload to another host?
Thanks for sharin these great clips
Haha.. Its okay.. though I was debating which comment to approve. at first. Went for the one with the *greedy laugh*. I need to moderate comments cos we don't need awful comments by anti-fans here. Lemme filter them from you all. Glad you like my blog. Happy downloading! ^_^
Sorry.. As I've indicated, there will be no alternative host uploads unless someone offers to help me cos as it is I'm busy enough just uploading on megaupload. Maybe only later after my exams I might consider doing it.
You're MOST welcome! ^_^
Hi Lynn,
Just wanted to say and let everyone know how much I love your site I am certain there is nothing like it elsewhere! Just phenomenal!
Also want to add, hope your studies are going smoothly and you're not too stressed out! We miss you but we'll be patient and wait for you!! HWAITING!!
Take care
Thank you 4 your warm welcome!!
and...I'm sorry because my english is so good ^^; can chat with me..
I feel happy if I chat with you ^^
Thank you for your eveything.
Goodbye...See you ^O^~~
Hello ^^
I want to download this song ...
I knew I love you - Micky&Max and May I love you - xiah
Thank you so much 4 your kindness
Bye ^-^ ...
Hi, Thank you so much for taking the time and uploading all the music/vids, it really helps so much. And I don't want to bother and all but if you have time do you think you can reupload this?
FM Inkigayo - You're My Miracle + You Only Love + Remember + ON&ON + Balloons
4shared apparently didn't allow it or something.
Thanks alot for your time
Hey!! Your page is so cool. This page has made my downloading days easier & i really like how you have made this page based on DBSK!!
Do you have a HQ video of DBSK's 'Sky'?
Get ready to put DBSK's new japanese summer single coming out in August & the SMTOWN concert (if you can)
OK, Cya
Wow... this is awesome! complete collection of dbsk! you must have spent a lot of time to upload all of these files... but thx anyway!it really helps me a lot!
This is a very cool site...
Anyway, what is your gave member? mine is Yunho!
Heyy, i luv your site! Could you plz upload Your Love is All I Need, because i can't see it. Please!! THNX!!
Oops. Must have missed it when uploading. Its up now.
[FM Inkigayo - You're My Miracle + You Only Love + Remember + ON&ON + Balloons] has also been re-upped. Lemme know if it still doesnt work. I'll up on another host.
I don't have HQ of Sky. But the Karaoke version is awesome so I didn't see the need to download HQ Sky. Sorry ^_^
Also added Micky & Max - I Knew I Loved You. Enjoy!
Note to everyone: Please try not to make requests here as it floods the comments box. Words of thanks are LOVE though. For any queries do email and I will try my best to help you when I'm free.
This is FANTASTIC site. Thank you for spending time uploading!
Does anyone have eng softsubs to DBSK Rising Sun First Live Concert or know a link to it? -Thank in Advance
this blog is cool. thanks a lot
Solo's Cry Here <333!!!
Gah!!! It has been forever since I stopped by <333. You have tons of new stuff!!! ^________^!!!
Buuut... can you help me out for a sec?
I can't seem to find your new upload "Rising Sun and Tonight Perf" @_@. I went crosseyed trying to find it LOL!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please? <333 *huggles*
AHH!! My mistake. It wasn't 1 Rising Sun + Tonight Perf. Its 1 Rising Sun Perf. and 1 Tonight Performance. Rising Sun being the SBS Inkigayo one and Tonight being the Korea China Supermodel one where Junsu choked at the beginning. SORRY for being misleading!
Ooooh @_@!!! *snaps fingers* Dang!!! I had thought there was a coold Rising Sun/Tonight perf that I totally never saw LOL!!! >.< !!! *cries*
LOL <333!!! ^___^!!!!
Oops. This is Solo's Cry btw LOL!!
Hi!! I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for everything you've done I'll be supporting DBSKer all the way! Thanks a lot!!
heyhey just wondering if you could upload subbed epi of that cooking show that micky once was fighter cook...i think...thxthx,...micky was adorable in it
Hi where do have the full length video of Five in the Black concert??? please email me at
thank you
Thank you so much >.< It's such a huge collection * drool xD * ...
May you re-upload I Love Show Tank- Funny interview & dancing plz? I think the link is unavailable ...
Thanks again !
Thank you very much...
- red_b
yours is more than we could ask for. thank you. just that it isn't easy w/ megaUplOd.
i'v got a question to ask u...that is y i cant download the mv here?? when i click the mv that i wan, then it will display out the i cant download it...y??
i felt sad...T.T
thank u so much.i love your site
WOW!! u are amazinggggggggggg
thank you so much!! ^_^
Kamsa Haminda for providing all their wonderful songs, even their concert albums & funny video clips.
I appreciate the tons of time & effort that you have taken to download & share with all of us, DBSK fans.
You are truly a DBSK fan.c
Hope you keep on doing so & once again Kamsa Haminda.
I was wondering, do you have the first episode of Vacation?
i just wanna say very big thanks for u,i love this blog verymuch.
i also love THSK, but i think your love for them is bigger than me.
so i hope it will be OK if i call u SEMPAI ^^
wow you aree amazingg ! this just
goes to show all the hardwork ;)
and love that you put into to
creating this collection ! i`m
soo very impressed and i have to
say that this just may be the best
DONG BANG SHIN KI sitee i`ve ever
been to ! it`s soo neat and
organized; you pretty much have
everything of DBSK imagineable.
thankkk youuuuuu ohh sooo muchh !
Can you reupload Channel-A with Tohoshinki Part 2 and DBSK Talk - O Jung Ban Hap MV Filming into megaupload or something? Something's wrong with filefront isnt working...thanks!<3
thank you!! i love this site<3
This is the first time i've been into this site and i just wanna say thank you so much for the download!!!! And this site is indeed very great!!! No kidding here, man!! Keep up the good work(^O^)/
But megaupload hate my country, so if you can(I mean IF u can, not forcing you to do any thing here..^^;;)can you use other ways to upload your files?
Once again, dae ttan hi kamsahammida~!
i was the one who left that long comment on 2:51 pm, July 19, 2007 and i forgot to write my name -___- SORRY! so other than how great your site is, i have two songs that i think you don't have..
Sweet Shot AND
I'm Your Man [ft. Suju]
i could be wrong, but if you want
them just let me know! ^_^
email me at
aiyaaaa ! sorry again, i looked at the wrong date+time. i didn't write at 2:51pm July 19, 2007; i was the one who wrote at 2:30am July 20, 2007!
ahhh sorryy >_<;
because i know how you
want to know who writes
the comments..
Annyeong~! I don't mind helping to upload files for you, if you need help you can always e-mail me yo
~! My e-mail is
Thanks for the great range of clips n songs...u r great!but can anyone help me?cos some of the clips dat I've downloaded theres no can i correct this error by using any program?thanks
WELCOME BACK... I hope that your exams went well...
WOW...your collection is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing! Keep up the great work!
yeah! t's great that you got back. definitely missed you there for... uh, i forgot. but i surely got blo(g)wn away by this site. couldn't keep up even if you took a 'leave.' thanks. kindly upload most of your vids to filefront/sendspace. MUs not that cool anymore. :> -Reef64
Fantastic DBSK site! thank you so much...
but the mv for miss you doesnt work =(
thank you for the links.
i really appreciate the old songs.
but i don't think you should post the songs that have not yet been officially released. the 3 songs on the "Summer" single will be released on 8/1/07, and it's not supporting tohoshinki to share the mp3 files beforehand....
i hope you agree with me.
Thanks a lot for all the uploads and everything!!! I'm glad that I found this site (well...I asked for help on sites to download Dbsk's stuffs) Anyways...great site!!!
Hi~ I came across this site when I was trying to find some DBSK songs. You have a huge collection! Kudos to u for making the effort to organize all the files :) Pls keep up the great work, and thanks!!
I was searching for some DBSK instrumentals when i came across your site, i found the one i wanted thank you SO MUCH ! =D This is the best ! ^^
Thanks a billion for doing all this! I really appreciate being able to be updated on DBSK's music =D Thanks for the hard work!
Thank you very very very much !!!!
For all taht you do !!!
Me sorry for my english .. is very bad .... but very thank this a best site's DBSK !!!!!
Thank you !!!!
Thank you so much for your hard work. *bows*
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